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Viewpoint Newsletter

Viewpoint Vol.25 No.1

Five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther: Luther, Absolutely Not!
-Luther Thought He Was Divine!
-Ambience, Customs, Civilization: Excellence and sweetness of life
-4,088,726 Fatima Centenary Rosaries
distributed in 13 months!

Viewpoint Vol.24 No.4

Holy Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima
-How Our Lady authorised Sister Lucia to write down the third part of the Secret of Fatima

Viewpoint Vol.24 No.2_3

An Interview with Antonio Augusto Borelli Machado
Why Was the Third Secret of Fatima Not Released in 1960?
-An Interview with Antonio Augusto Borelli Machado
-Campaign: Look deep into these eyes and let them look into yours!
-Fatima: Past or Future?:The Unheeded Message by Antonio Borelli

Viewpoint Vol.24 No.1

Newsletter Vol. 24 No1, 2017.
Reflections for the Season of Lent: How can the World hate Him who went about doing Good?
10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family’s Worst Enemy;
Fidel Castro’s death and his “mourners”;
Forgotten Truths: The Value of Suffering

Viewpoint Vol.23 No.4

Vol. 23 No. 4, 2016
-The magnificence of the Infant Jesus and of Our Lady;
-The Legend of the Christmas Spider;
-The Extraordinary Synods on the Family and Marriage: A Pastoral Revolution;
-Pokémon Go: the virus that leads to chaos;
-Mexico: a “Cristiada” against same-sex ‘marriage’;

Viewpoint Vol.23 No.3

Vol. 23 No. 3, 2016
-The Meaningful Contribution of a Wholesome Nobility and Traditional Elite to the Solution of the Contemporary Crisis;
-The cult of numbers in the modern world;
-Father Jacques Hamel: A martyrdom that breaks your heart but opens your eyes!
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: Knowledge without charity is worthless;

Viewpoint Vol.23 No.2

Vol. 23 No. 2, 2016
-Democracy and Bribery;
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: The marvels of creation in the universal movement of all things;
-Gender Theory Is Satan´s Breath;
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: It is a glory to be hated and suffer for the Faith;

Viewpoint Vol.23 No.1

Vol. 23 No. 1, 2016
-The terrorist attacks in Paris and the Islamic expansion;
-What Is Really Happening in Cuba —The Island Prison?
-Pagan Manliness and False Christian Patience;
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: Twelfth Station, Jesus Dies on the Cross;
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: Divorce affects a Child’s sanity;

Viewpoint Vol.22 No.4

Come, Infant Jesus.
-Polygamy, Divorce, and God’s Mercy.
Holy Water.
-What Is Really Happening in Cuba—The Island Prison?
-Citizens’ initiative with almost 100,000 signatures is challenging the same-sex marriage bill in Finnish parliament!

Viewpoint Vol.22 No.3

Gender ideology: the latest product of the 1968 Revolution.
-The “Gender” Danger in Education.
-Shroud of Turin: Testimony of an unbelieving Scientist.
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: Remedy for Contemporary Moral Hardness.
-Monumental Demonstration in Support of the Traditional Family: A Beautiful Example of Rejection of Gender Ideology in Schools.