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Viewpoint Newsletter

Viewpoint Vol.22 No.2

The cult of numbers in the modern world – Final.
-Institution of the Family at Risk.
-What can You and I do to defend the Institution of the Family?
-Filial Appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis On the future of the family.
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: How to Revive the Notion of Good and Evil.
-Renaissance: Rebirth of what?
-25 Years of Lithuanian Independence.

Viewpoint Vol.22 No.1

The cult of numbers in the modern world – Part 1.
-Cuba: A New Dawn?
-Everything is reflected in the eyes: Anger, fear, affection, or joy.
-Christian mortification: Vital principle of civilisation.
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: “Not my will, but that of
God be done”

Viewpoint Vol.21 No.5

Light, the ultimate gift.
-CHRISTMAS TALE: Why the Chimes Rang;
-Islam resurgent.
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: Christian poverty as taught by a saint.

Viewpoint Vol.21 No.4

“The Good Heart”: A Romanticised Version of Charity
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: Harmonious Inequality.
-IDEAS, TENDENCIES, DEBATES: Imagine – A Restaurant With no Servers or Served.
-Immigrants: To Accept or Reject?
-2014 Summer Academy draws a record 180 participants.

Viewpoint Vol.21 No.3

The Revolution in the Tendencies.
-An aspect of the Ukrainian crisis: Religious persecution.
-Is Communism Really Dead?
-TFPS IN ACTION: Federation Pro-Europa Christiana
in Brussels.
TFPs participate in Fourth March for Life in Rome.

Viewpoint Vol.21 No.2

Holy Week: An Invitation to Love the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
-Massacre of the Holy Innocents, 21st Century Style.
-The Revolution in the Tendencies.
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: From God-like to Deformed to a Lack of Form.

Viewpoint Vol.21 No.1

Confronted with the current anti-Catholic persecution, do we resist or fail to act?
-Harrison H. Schmitt and William Happer: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide.
-Artic Sea Ice expands.
-AMBIENCES, CUSTOMS, CIVILISATIONS: Angels or devils being served at the table.
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: By overcoming trials we acquire peace;
-Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: Conservative Intellectual of the 20th Century.

Viewpoint Vol.20 No.5

The Story of the Christmas Tree.
-Confronted with the current anti-Catholic persecution, do we resist or fail to act?
Carried Out Their Trades.
-CHRISTIAN REFLECTION: The unimaginable perfection.
-FORGOTTEN TRUTHS: The inseparable public and private life.

Viewpoint Vol.20 No.4

Are we witnessing the rebirth of a French Counter-Revolution?
Homosexuality – can a Catholic recognise “the rights of gay couples”?
-Those who hope to be eaten last.
-Christian Reflection: The usefulness of tribulation and how to acquire peace of soul.
-TFPs in Action: Same-sex ‘Marriage’ stopped in Estonia.

Viewpoint Vol.20 No.3

Divorce and Romanticism.
-Forgotten Truths: A Good Education Combines Firmness with Goodness.
-The Return Flight with Gogo.
-Poverty and Pomp: Two harmonic extremes within the Church.