Corona Virus & the Monumental Trans-shipment in Social Engineering.
Bolstered by Mass Hysteria and Vatican Support – The Covid Crisis – Indepth, well documented Review and Analysis of the Covid Crisis currently gripping the world; Potential Devastating Impacts. Likely outcomes – who wins & who loses.

How the Family Crisis Makes Covid worse
Had the family kept its natural and traditional structure, the COVID-19 crisis’s impact would have been entirely different. The pandemic would have caused less harm in absolute terms. Infection and mortality rates would also have decreased.

Vatican document blames coronavirus pandemic on man’s sins against environment
The Pontifical Academy for Life, under the leadership of the controversial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, produced the document, and the Vatican press office introduced it on July 22 with a title as prolix as the statement itself: “Useful information on the Document of the Pontifical Academy for Life: Humana Communitas in the age of pandemic: untimely meditations on life’s rebirth.” That title is misleading; the document provides very little hard information. But I will grant this much: it is “untimely.” There is never a good time for this sort of vapid rumination.

Open Letter to the Permanent Council of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil -Excellences: The Time Has Come to Turn the Page on Liberation Theology!
The first names of its signatories, which have become public, are representative of an episcopal current whose doctrine has clearly inspired the writing of the document. They are prelates of German descent, now retired, who in their youth were thrilled with the Marxist revolution promoted by the standard-bearers of Liberation Theology. After the collapse of the USSR, these prelates – and others of the same ideological current – recycled themselves into environmentalist and indigenous utopians.

The Silence of the Faithful
The other day, during Sunday Mass in a leading parish in Milan, the celebrant revealed a chilling fact: after the reopening, in the Ambrosian diocese, only 30% of the faithful returned to the churches. “Families and children have totally disappeared, he said.” The situation in the rest of Italy is not much better.
Without malice, I thought, “you abandoned them during the most critical period of the pandemic, and they now repay you in the same manner.”