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Viewpoint Newsletter

Viewpoint Vol.18 No.1

Atheism’s latest onslaught: Nothing produced the whole Universe!
-The Fourth Revolution and Cybernetic Tribalism Part III.
-Ambience, Customs, and Civilisation: Are We Witnessing the Death of Modesty?
-The Spirit of the Family: The reform must begin with the reconstitution of the family V.

Viewpoint Vol.17 No.5

A God So Small, Yet Infinite; Infinite, Yet So Small!
-The Fourth Revolution and Cybernetic Tribalism Part II.
-The Value of Private Property: Tomé de Povoa Teaches
-Council of Europe reaffirms conscience rights of medical professionals and institutions.
-The Spirit of the Family: The reform must begin with the reconstitution of the family IV.

Viewpoint Vol.17 No.4

-The Fourth Revolution and Cybernetic Tribalism.
-Forgotten Truths: I Am the Way, the Truth and the Light.
-Ambience, Customs, and Civilisation: Two Ways of Looking at Country Life.
-Christian Reflection: The True Role of Guardian Angels.
-TFP Action: Campaigns;

Viewpoint Vol.17 No.3

-The Green Cult (continued)
-The Noble Savage.
-Tendencies, Ideas, Facts: Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity.
-from the M@ILBAG…
-Family Campaign update: Society’s Soul.
-The Spirit of the Family: The origin of both the prosperity and decadence of a people IV.
-Medieval Guilds (cont.)

Viewpoint Vol.17 No.2

-The Green Cult
-Tendencies, Ideas, Facts: The Afflictions of the Third Family.
-Ambience, Customs, and Civilisation: An era as seen through an art collection.
-Christian Reflection: The Triumph of Christ the King.

Viewpoint Vol.17 No.1

-Global Warming: Scientific Fact or Ideological Agenda?
-A Short History of Blue Jeans: Be Different by Being Just Like Everyone Else
-Ambience, Customs, and Civilisation: Directly opposite the Castle of Fontainebleau….
-Christian Reflection: The Hummingbird
-The Spirit of the Family: The origin of both the prosperity and decadence of a people III
-Medieval Guilds

Viewpoint Vol.16 No.4

ASEITY: conclusion.
-On the Streets to Promote Traditional Family Values.
-Ambiences, Customs, and Civilisations: Cocola enigma II.
-The Honduran Issue: David vs. Goliath.
-In Brief: Balsam for Dealing with Others.

Viewpoint Vol.16 No.3

The new Incitatus
-Equality at the Starting Point: What an Injustice!
-Ambiences, Customs, and Civilisations: Coca-Cola—The flavour of an enigma.
-Follow-up: Euthanasia lobby.

Viewpoint Vol.16 No.2

EUTHANASIA: Abominable Criminal Practice
-Dignitas Founder plans to help healthy woman die.
-from the M@ILBAG.
-Christian Reflection.

Viewpoint Vol.16 No.1

2008: Conservative Resistance Grows, and So Do Attempts to Neutralise It.
-Rebels desperately in need of a victory.
-TFPs commemorate the centennial of our founder’s birth.
-If someone were to suffer a sudden disturbance of
his eyes, his nerves, or his mind…