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Viewpoint Vol.27 No.3

Viewpoint Vol.27 No.3
-The Angelus: A meditation on Christmas.
-Coronavirus is a Call to Return to God.
-True Sanctity Lies in Strength of Soul.
-Can Rivers, Rice and Orangutans have ‘Personhood Rights’?

Viewpoint Vol.27 No.2

Viewpoint Vol.27 No.2
-In the Aftermath of the Pandemic, Will Anything Change?
-Nicolas Hulot’s Post-Covid-19 Green Nightmare;
-Is It Immodest to Wear Deliberately Ripped Clothes?
-Disposal of green energy it’s not a green matter;

Viewpoint Vol.27 No.1

“Politically Correct” Ecology: An Impious and Inhumane Ideology.
-The Poetry of the Non-existent but Conceivable Spires.
-Tolerance, a Dangerous Virtue.
-Suffering and the Little Way.

Viewpoint Vol.26 No.4

Feast of Glory and of Peace.
-Today’s Liberals are Fascists.
-What is Tolerance?
-The theory of intelligent deforestation.

Viewpoint Vol.26 No.3

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity
-Notre-Dame Cathedral in Flames
-Family in Danger: Gender Theory No.
-Don’t Treat Wolves Like Lost Sheep

Viewpoint Vol.26 No.2

The Amazon: Science v. Myth
-The Amazon Synod and the Vatican’s Radical Environmentalism
-A Lighthouse, a test on organicism and traces of God in Creation

Viewpoint Vol.26 No.1

Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: The Agony in the Garden
-Young Mexican, Martyr of Communism, Authentic Model of a Catholic Hero
-The topsy-turvy world of transgenderism

Viewpoint Vol.25 No.4

The greatness of Christmas Day
-Summer University 2018
-European crusade for the family held in Vienna
-Must Europe’s Students Submit to the Demands of Islam?

Viewpoint Vol.25 No.3

Where does the disintegrating collusion of society lead us?
-Why Did Steve Jobs Limit His Children’s Exposure to Technology?
-The radical intolerance of the “tolerants”
-Forgotten Truths: Innocence and the sense of the marvellous

Viewpoint Vol.25 No.2

Interview with Dr. Marisa Lobo: Gender Theory revolution: Ideological-political battle aims to destroy the family
-Catholic Martyrs in China
-State orders Yining Catholic Church in Xinjiang region to have its crosses, statues and bell towers pulled down
-Letter to Cardinal Zen: Support for Our Persecuted Catholic Brethren in China